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Sunday, November 25, 2007


i think i'm actually gonna start tearing soon, really. BLEARGH i give up, gonna go down watch tv now. guess i should really just be non-existent on msn this holiday, back away from the computer, and be a couch potato until i become FAT at the end of the holiday! WHEE!

great. tv's off, everybody's gone to sleep.


Sunday, November 25, 2007

omg i'm so bored. even though i've not been exactly very free the past few days. as far as i can remember, i've only had 3 free days since hols started. and by 'free', i mean not having to get up and leave the house before 8 in the morning (:

bleargh i've not been online these past weeks i think people have forgotten about my existence. NOBODY'S TALKING TO ME!! )): i'm so bored i'm msn-ing my brother, who's lke only just downstairs in his room. and even he doesnt want to reply me!!

oh wait. replied (:

-.- he just replied 'kk, i go up take' to the earphones which he left up here.

anyway, wl, i'm gonna have to go publicise for the concert again this friday at KAOJI. can you imagine, people are like so anxious for their turn to go into the doomed room, and suddenly you have this crazy person coming up to you telling you all about the concert? why does that crazy person have to be ME?! and YILIN. hahaha.

concert's next sunday, and my family's going back to malaysia on saturday. i can now imagine myself putting on my concert attire and court shoes, bringing my blazer, file and cello, going out of the empty house making my way to VCH alone.. after the concert, maybe go out for dinner, and then coming back to the empty house yet again. bleargh.

anyway, wl i'm still online waiting for somebody, anybody to talk to me! i guess i shall just entertain myself by talking to myself

dont you just love the holidays? ):

Friday, November 23, 2007


anyone have any idea what is QNPS' top score? so i can have a gauge when it will close down so i know by when is the latest i can go back to visit the remaining 2 teachers that ever taught us. LOL.

yes, i'm evil.

wah but this year's highest is like, 294?! thats like almost perfect score can! this year's paper too easy! and to think that people still complained about the paper. wait, actually those questions were easy too. -.-

LOL leon's even more evil. we visited the sch website and really had a good laugh at umm.. random stuff, and now he's high from thinking of our new year steamboat and wants to go spam XX's blog. no, he wants to spam XX's class and friend's blog about XX. HAHAHA!

hai.. anyway, tmr me and jeenise are going on Tour Singapore part II! yesterday we covered the entire east side libraries, giving them the cco leaflets and poster to be put up. tmr we're going to the west! and to school to get my IC! if the GO is open. haha. oh ya btw, i actually look FAT in my IC photo. HAHAHA!

WHEEE!! everybody's HIGH!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

am i pro or am i pro. i just did it. :D now i officially have msn again! without the knowledge of my father LOL.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

omg i was seriously too bored doing all those stupid quizzes. LOL.

had shicheng practice today. whoo 雨后庭院 is damn nice! the recording sounds like its played by a guitar though.. maybe thats why the song sounds very mexican/spanish/whatever it is thats not chinese.

anyway wl! i'm like so fedup that this computer doesnt have msn. i ren3 for very long already, and now i've finally installed msn on my own (lol), but now this stupid firewall thing is preventing me from signing in!!

BARGH i'll go try to fix the firewall thing now..

Saturday, November 17, 2007

1 Spell your name without an E,R,S,H,K,I,M, L,A,N,Y or T.

2 What is your status?
- single.

3 What's your favorite number?
- 2

4 What's your favorite color?
- pink but i'm NOT bimbo.

5 What's your other favorite color?
- white.

6 What are you listening to?
- nothing.

7 Are you happy with your life right now ?
- why shouldnt i be?

8 If you were to be any animal in thewhole wide world what would it be?
- eagle, so i can FLY!

9 What is your favorite subject in school?
- chem chem chem.

10 Are you usually outgoing?
- when i'm high, yes, when i'm alone, no (:

11 Where do you wish you were right now?
- playing badminton with my brothers, oh man.

12 What are you supposed to be doing right now?
- sleeping.

Can you blow a bubble?
- ? i suppose so.

Can you wiggle your ears?
- YES (:

Can you roll your tongue?
- yeah.

Can you touch your tongue to your nose?
- no -.-

Did you ever want to be a doctor?
- still want to HAHA.

Did you ever want to be a fire fighter?
- O.o no.

Do you like roller coasters?
- yes but never really been on a real one before..

Do you own a bike?
- nope.

Does your family have family picnics?
- no we do other things ((:

How did you find out about Friendster?
- friends added me -.-

Last person you hugged?
- cant remember lol. i'm not a huggable type of person.

Last thing you said out loud?
- thankyou to my brother, other than that i was singing in the shower :D

What was the last restaurant you ate at?
- cant remember..

What was the last thing you bought?
- tang yuan at ghim moh for lunch lol.

What was the last thing you drink?
- MILK (:

Who was the last person who texted you?
- sieweng.

Who was the last person you held hands with?
- no one.

Friday, November 16, 2007

1. What is the question that people always ask you?
why am i so black -.- no, seriously.

2 . What is the 6th text in your inbox?
sieweng telling me cello's included in this CO competition lol.

3 . What is the last thing you said to someone and to who?
thank you to my youngest brother ((:

4. Name something you have to do tomorrow?
go for shangyin.

5. Have you ever called 911?
No -.-

6. Do any of your friends have children?

7. What CD is currently in your CDplayer?
no CD player lol.

8. Has anyone told you a secret this week?
dont think so.

9. When was the last time you had Starbucks?
dont really like starbucks. coffee bean nicer (:

10. Can you whistle?
YES wahaha.

11 . Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?

12. Do you get along better with men or women?
both. i'm friendly (:

13. Do you sleep on your side, stomach,or back?

14 . What are you listening to?

15. What does the song remind you of?

16 . Whats bothering you right now?
i havent paid dunno how many donkey months of shangyin fees :X

17. Next vacation you're going on?

18. Last time you had butterflies?
last week i think HAHA.

19 . What did you dream last night?
no dream.

20. Does your phone ring in the middle of the night often?
no -.-

21. What gets in your way of your sleeping?
nothing, i sleep like a log HAHA.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Have you ever . . . . ?

[ ] Gotten detention(sch)
[ ] Gotten your phone/mp3 player takenaway
[ ] Gotten suspended.
[ ] Gotten caught chewing gum.
[ ] gotten caught cheating on a test.
Total = 0

[ ] Gotten late to a class more than10 times.
[x] Didn’t do homework over 5 times.
[ ] Turned at least 3 projects in late.
[ ] Missed school cause you felt like it.
[ ] Laughed so loud you got kicked outof class.
Total so far = 1

[ ] Got your mom/dad etc. to get youout of school.
[x] Text people during class.
[x] passed notes.
[ ] Threw stuff across the room.
[x] Laughed at the teacher
Total so far = 4

[ ] Pulled down the fire alarm.
[x] Went on myspace, friendster,xanga , etc. on the computer at school
[x] Took pictures during school hours.
[x] Called someone during school hours.
[ ] Listened to an ipod cd , etcduring class.
Total so far =7

[ ] Threw something at the teacher.
[ ] Went outside the classroom without permission
[x] Broke the dress code.
[ ] Failed a class
[x] Ate food during class
Total so far =9

[ ] Gotten a call home
[ ] Couldn’t go on a field trip cause you behaved badly
[x] Didn’t take your stuff to school
[ ] Gotten a detention and didn't go
[ ] Stuck your middle finger at ateacher when they were not looking
[ ] Cursed during class loud enough so the teacher could hear
Total so far =10

[x] Forged your parents signature
[ ] Made out in school
[x] Slept in class
[x] Cursed at a teacher
[x] Copied homework
tota l so far: 14

Total = 14
multiply by 3

LOL i screwed up 42% only. not bad.. i'm guai HAHA.

this is fun.

Friday, November 16, 2007


i'm too bored. feel like doing some quiz, cos i would take hours. but now like no one do leh.

anyway, i opened up my old cello again. the scotch tape were all removed and the cracks looked like open wounds. remembered malaysia trip again, felt sad all over again LOL. man i miss my cello.. somehow i 'feel' more towards it, when playing or when just travelling with it. shit this is not supposed to happen! i'm supposed to like my new cello more so i dont regret! but now i'm even starting to think my old cello sounded nicer.

no no no no! this cannot be..

i love my new cello! ((:
i love it i love it i love it to bits!

Friday, November 16, 2007

omg i've just changed and edited my new blogskin within 2 nights. sian.. its supposed to take more than that to keep me occupied. now waht am i going to do. LOL.

anyway, not bad right, this skin. haha. its all pink and white again -.- nevermind, and i'm too lazy to do the tagboard, so its just all white and black, and to make it a little less dull, i've treid adding in a touch of blue that doesnt seem to work haha. and the stupid jukebox doesnt work either! but there is a song though. Boston by augustana. LOL. i love that song.

whoo! today i played badminton with my younger brothers on the road outside my house. LOL i felt like some kampong kid all over again! but very fun though, just running around on the road without any cars. haha. hmm, think shall do this everyday, then can help my fat brother jian3 fei2. but then i'll jian too! O.O bargghh.

stupid joanne, go holiday so long. i need to tell you alot of stuff! grrrhh..

Thursday, November 15, 2007

yet another 9 days passed and so many things gone and done.

EZCO IS OVER!!! i miss my little children! cleve, xavier, annabel, lydia!! hai. never thought i'd come to like them so much, thought they would be maniacs running around like little devils, but they turned out to be so cute! haha. but the most odd thing is that i miss the ngee ann people more than the ezco ones.. O.o i've only been with ngee ann for 2 practices and with ezco the entire week. LOL.

2G chalet's over too. was not bad, lol we talked and laughed about stupid things over bbq food, and went bowling at midnight! stupid eustance say he dunno how to bowl at all, in the end turned out scoring the most.. and i was 2nd last again, just like every other time -.-

3I chalet's over too.. more boring moments, but still very fun too. lol. cos mr yap came! haha. played card games, arcade, xbox, locked the toilet doors LOL, ate the cake secretly, and did lots of stupid stuff lah.

now today is my 2nd of rest since holidays started. seriously, since the bell rang at 1.45pm that day, its been CO and chalets in between for 10 consecutive days. now 2 days rest, and off for CO again tmr, shangyin on sat, then dazus on sun and mon again. WHEEE. -.- but anyway it's better like this than to have nothing to do. cos otherwise i'd just be rotting at home in front of the TV watching the ER and meet joe black -.-

barrrghh.. got nothing to do now at the computer even. stupid old comp spoiled, all the things inside dunno whether still there or not, then this comp got no msn! and webmessenger is so LAG! cant stand it.

bleargh, off to go find something to do. probably gonna go change blogskin. been with this for dunno how long already. haha.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

OMG those ezco little kids are so cute! when you merely just look at them of course. but when you have to 'babysit' them, man they're naughty. but duh, they're primary school kids. if they're good, my brothers would be angels.

but actually there are some good ones lah. like those from DYB! lol i'm so glad most of them are not naughty. the girls from poiching are too cute lah! except for the one who's overly pampered by her parents. then the very sensible but antisocial P3 ngeeann who's a malay but knows chinese and has a twin. LOL. then there's the overpossessive konghwa girl who just refuses to let me leave her side during dazu. am i loved or what. LOL. and finally.. the ever so annoying P5s from taonan. omg those 2 girls whacked hongbin like siao haha.

but they're all actually MUCH better than everyone else who purposely cause trouble by putting they're bopians into their ruans, or sleeps during dazu.

hai.. anyway, wl its so tiring lah. when its only into the first half hour even before the children arrive, its damn tiring already lah, moving all the instrus and everything else. bleargh. nvm, tmr i get to take a picture with the super cute ngeeann liuqin boy! wahaha.

wah now too tired. right after ezco today had to rush for shangyin. then now i'm too lazy to go home, so i'm like taking refuge at my mom's office, and later she'll fetch me for piano lesson at 9!! O.O

oh, and my dinner is a bao and sandwich and a 250ml orange juice, all of which were from 7 eleven and costed only $5. LOL. and to say that a normal healthy or unhealthy person are not supposed to lose more than 3kg a month unpurposefully.

this isnt on purpose!


+ 1024x768 resolution recommended
+ Do not spam
+ Do not rip anything off


I'm JY!(:
I'm 16.
From 5C43.
I'm shy and cute as this monkey(: i love my music.
i love my cello.
i love ME.








the forum
GuanYue (?)
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ZhengZu (?)

Qiaonan knights!
6 Excellence 1!!

BSP camp.


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